Flexible LED illuminator for fluorescence microscopy
The new Lumen 100-LED illuminator from Prior Scientific provides high quality illumination for a wide range of fluorescence appl…
Broad Spectrum LED Illumination for Fluorescence Microscopy
Prior Scientific offers a range of highly reliable, high performance LED illumination sources for brightfield and fluorescence m…
Welcome to EMSIS GmbH
Olympus Soft Imaging Solutions electron microscopy solutions are taken on by EMSIS GmbH.
Full spectrum coverage with LED illumination
CoolLED has worked to address both brightness and control resulting in the development of a universal fluorescence illumination …
Visit Deben on stand #501
DEBEN UK Ltd will be showcasing their range of in-situ products for Optical Microscopes, Electron Microscopes, XRD, µXCT, and ot…
Visit Linkam Scientific on stand #411
Linkam Scientific Instruments will be launching exciting new products including VISTA.
M&A sponsored poster session
Microscopy & Analysis are sponsoring the mmc2015 poster sessions, and will be offering first prize winners the fantastic opportu…
DiATOME enables surface preparation for AFM and FIB
DiATOME have partnered with EM Resolutions, a Saffron Walden-based consumables and accessories supplier for electron microscopy,…
Kleindiek Nanotechnik makes force measurement inside your SEM/FIB easy
Kleindiek Nanotechnik have partnered with EM Resolutions, a Saffron Walden-based consumables and accessories supplier for electr…
LaVision BioTec on the work of the Milan-based Iannacone Laboratory
LaVison BioTec, developers of advanced microscopy solutions for the life sciences, report on the research of Dr Matteo Iannacone…
Linkam launch the WS37 Warm Stage for life cell research – applications in andrology
Market leaders in temperature controlled microscopy, Linkam Scientific Instruments, launch the WS37 Warm Stage at the 2015 Annua…
DELMIC reports on a Nature Nanotechnology paper
DELMIC reports on a Nature Nanotechnology paper from Stanford University and the FOM Institute AMOLF on nanoscale optical tomogr…