The Microscience Microscopy Congress 2015, 29 June - 2 July 2015, Manchester Central, UK
Home > Conference > Pre-Congress Workshops > OMERO in Action

OMERO in Action

OMERO in Action. What can OMERO do for me?
Monday 29 June, 1.30 - 4.30pm, Manchester Central, Cobden 2

Scientific Organisers: Colin Blackburn and Balaji Ramalingam (Dundee)

The Open Microscopy Environment (OME) is an open-source software project that develops tools that enable access, analysis, visualization, sharing and publication of biological image data. OME has three components:

(i) OME-TIFF, standardised file format and data model;

(ii) Bio-Formats, a software library for reading proprietary image file formats;

(iii) OMERO, a software platform for image data management and analysis.

In this workshop, we will outline and demonstrate the OMERO platform, and show how you can use it to work with your microscopy and/or HCS data. In addition we will demonstrate some of the applications that have been released by OME and some of the integration with 3rd party tools, including:

        • OMERO.figure - fast figures from your OMERO images

        • OMERO.webtagging - automatically tag your data and search for tags

        • ImageJ - improved interaction with OMERO 

We will also outline other applications and integration e.g. FLIM image data analysis, object tracking, Matlab Analysis tools, Cell Profiler, etc. We’ve designed OMERO to be as flexible as possible, and this has enabled its use in a range of imaging domains, including light and electron microscopy, high content screening. Come along to the workshop and bring your favourite data — we’d welcome the chance to meet you and show you what OMERO can do for you and your science!

Please bring your own fully charged laptop to this workshop and if you wish any image data.

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