Workshop booking form
Book a workshop here
mmc2015 will continue the acclaimed programme of special "Hands-on" workshops. They enable the visitor to learn more about the practical details of the conference topics and microscopy in general.
The workshops will all take place on the exhibition floor in the four purpose-built theatres with space for a minimum of 32 seated guests They will run from Tuesday 1st July - Thursday 3rd July. Each session will run for approximately 45 minutes.
Exhibitors can book workshops at £100 +VAT per one 45 minute session. RMS Corporate members are entitled to one free workshop.
There are morning, lunchtime and afternoon slots available.
Your workshop topic may relate to one of the conference sessions within the conference. Check the conference overview. If so, please state which session your workshop relates to when completing the form. The workshops will all take place in the four purpose-built theatres within the exhibition. They are marked on the floorplan. If you have a preferred location, please note this on your form. Each workshop theatre will have a table, laptop and plasma screen to display your presentation.
Once you have submitted your workshop form, a short abstract is required for your workshop(s), which will be linked from the commercial workshops page of this website and published in the workshops programme at the congress.
Your abstract must be submitted as a word document between 150-300 words and may include images if you wish. Please send a short workshop abstract to by Monday 25th May 2015 at the latest.