The Microscience Microscopy Congress 2015, 29 June - 2 July 2015, Manchester Central, UK
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The Learning Zone Seminar Programme

The Learning Zone Seminar Programme for mmc2015

These talks are free to all visitors (exhibition and conference) and provide a great learning opportunity.   Please just drop in on the day for the talks, and then follow up with hands-on demonstrations afterwards.
Tuesday 30 June 2015
10.00-10.30           Digital Imaging: Nature to Numbers - Pedro Almada
10.45-11.15 Could your SEM Deliver More? Optimising instrument performance - guns, columns, detectors etc - Dick Paden
11.30-12.00 Principles and pitfalls of biological sample preparation for EM - Pippa Hawes
12.15-12.45 Molecular resolution imaging and force measurements in physiological environments: Why and How: applying SPM in the Life Sciences - Patrick Gunning
13.00-13.30 Understanding Light Microscopy: lenses, resolution and illumination - Peter Evennett
13.45-14.15 Introduction to STEM - Quentin Ramasse
14.30-15.00 Introduction to Confocal Microscopy - Jeremy Sanderson
15.15-15.45 Introduction to TEM - Crispin Hetherington
Wednesday 1 July 2015
10.00-10.30 Achieving the most from your SEM - Getting the right information from your samples  - Gareth Hughes
10.45-11.15 Seeing the invisible: a simple introduction to contrast techniques - Peter Evennett
11.30-12.00 Introduction to Confocal Microscopy - Jeremy Sanderson 
12.15-12.45 Cameras for Microscopy - Matt Preston
13.00-13.30 Introduction to image analysis with ImageJ/Fiji - Pedro Almada 
13.45-14.15 Achieving the most from your SEM - New approaches including 3D-SEM, FIB and more – Gareth Hughes
14.30-15.00 An introduction to EELS - Neil Wilkinson
15.15-15.45 Introduction to super-resolution microscopy - Michelle Peckham
Thursday 2 July 2015
10.00-10.30 Understanding Light Microscopy: lenses, resolution and illumination - Peter Evennett
10.45-11.15 Introduction to TEM - Crispin Hetherington
11.30-12.00 Dual Beam/FIB SEM in life science - Klaus Qvortrup
12.15-12.45 Seeing the invisible: a simple introduction to contrast techniques - Peter Evennett
13.00-13.30 An introduction to AFM for surface analysis - Neil Wilson
13.45-14.15 Macros: Making ImageJ/Fiji do all the tedious bits – Pedro Almada
14.15-14.45 Introduction to Confocal Microscopy - Jeremy Sanderson
Certificates of Attendance will be available. 



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